...DC "fans" after game
Supporters talk about the trip to RFK (Part 2)
April 4, 2006
"As soon as the whistle blew all the Red fans were told to stay in their seats. Most did, but a few decided to get close to the gate and taunt the DC fans who already throwing stuff into the stands. At one point a Metro fan was separating people and some random DC [woman] just slapped him for no reason. Security separated them, but this was the only time security did anything useful besides create a wall. They seemed VERY content with letting the Metro fans protect their own and do their jobs for them. They would watch a redface-to-redface argument go on and on and do absolutely NOTHING until punches were thrown."
"I was walking out the exit and I was attacked by a group on the right that was waiting by there, they were dressed as skinheads and I don't remember if the one armed guy was involved. One of them ran at me after I yelled 'Metro!!!' I was expecting taunts, but anyway, I brought him down when he tried to strike me then the rest of them started kicking me while I was down."
"We wait until the the Scum fans are out of the seats. But security rushed us out before they can clear the lot and street right outside the stadium. On top of that, there was NO security outside, or in the lot. The only authority was the ONE EMPTY COP CAR outside the stadium gate, but across the street from the lot."
"While we were leaving the stadium, there was a group of about 12-18 DC thugs yelling at usfrom the sidewalk, trying to intimidate us. I don't think they went further than that, so we just walked by. However, when we got into the parking lot, there were probably 15 DC thugs, many of them the same who started the fight in the stadium, waiting for us. They were doing the normal intimidations and taunts, but one DC thug went up to one of our guys and kicked him in the leg, and after the Metro fan didn't respond, he tried punching him twice or so, but the Metro fan still didn't retaliate. This is when one or two of the Metro fans came in to break it up, and one of them gets promptly hammered in the head with a beer bottle (not thrown, I distinctly remember it being delivered by hand). At this point, people start to push and shove and throw punches, with different people attacking each other. Somehow, a Metro fan got hit to the ground near a bunch of women and children, and the DC punks got around him and were really going at him. 'Flipper' ran by me to get to that group. After some considerable time, it started to get broken up by security (considerable is an understatement). Some of the Metro fans regrouped further toward the RBNY area, and after some words with other DC 'fans', we began to sing and chant a little more before dispersing to get on the busses. Just as we were doing this, I saw the guy who got hit by the bottle and he had blood coming down the left (if I remember correctly) side of his head."
"When the game ended, we all waited a while and the message 'Stay Together' was loudly passed. We went out of the stadium and walked over toward the parking lot where the buses were. As we entered the lot I saw a group of about a dozen of the skinheads lined up by the entrance. I thought that odd but there was security around. Walking past them there was shouting and gesturing directed at us when suddenly I heard a crash and that was the bottle that struck [name] in the head."
"I turned around and grabbed [name] and saw a group of people on the grass pounding on someone. That was when I first noticed the blood streaming from [name]'s head. I called for security and had them call for medical attention. It should be pointed out that at first they were not going to do that but then a supervisor saw [name]'s head. The group on the grass seemed to be broken up fairly quickly. The skinheads ran outside the gate and I am unsure if any were caught or not. A security manager came over and his suggestion was that all NYers except one or two to stay with [name] leave the area and get to the busses for our own safety."