Building The Team |
Player |
Age |
Contract |
Acquired |
Ryan Meara |
33 |
2024+ |
Drafted in the 2nd round, 2012. Loaned to NY City for Sal Zizzo, 2014. Returned, 2015. |
Kyle Duncan |
27 |
2025 |
Signed from Valenciennes (France), 2018. Signed with KV Oostende (Belgium), 2021. Loaned from KV Oostende, 2022. Returned, 2022. Loaned from KV Oostende, 2023. Signed, 2023. |
Sean Nealis |
27 |
2026+ |
Drafted in the 2nd round, 2019. |
Carlos Coronel |
27 |
2024+ |
Loaned from Salzburg (Austria), 2021. Signed from Salzburg, 2021. |
Wiki Carmona |
21 |
2027+ |
Signed from Dynamo Margarita (Venezuela), 2021. |
Cameron Harper |
22 |
2027+ |
Signed from Celtic (Scotland), 2021. |
John Tolkin |
22 |
2027+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from reserves, 2020. |
Andres Reyes |
25 |
2026+ |
Signed from Atletico Nacional (Colombia), 2021. |
Dylan Nealis |
26 |
2027+ |
Acquired from Nashville for 125K (+75K), 2021. |
Lewis Morgan |
27 |
2025+ |
Acquired from Miami for 1.2M, 2021. |
Daniel Edelman |
21 |
2027+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from reserves, 2021. |
Serge Ngoma |
19 |
2027+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from reserves, 2022. |
Elias Manoel |
22 |
2025+ |
Loaned from Gremio (Brazil), 2022. Returned, 2022. Signed from Gremio, 2023. |
Cory Burke |
32 |
2024+ |
Signed from Philadelphia, 2022. |
Peter Stroud |
22 |
2025+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from college, 2023. |
Dante Vanzeir |
26 |
2026+ |
Signed from Union SG (Belgium), 2023. |
Ronald Donkor |
19 |
2026+ |
Signed from Guidars (Mali), 2023. |
Julian Hall |
16 |
2026+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from reserves, 2023. |
Emil Forsberg |
32 |
2026+ |
Signed from Leipzig (Germany), 2023. |
Noah Eile |
22 |
2027+ |
Signed from Malmo (Sweden), 2024. |
Roald Mitchell |
21 |
2026+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from college, 2024. |
Dennis Gjengaar |
20 |
2027+ |
Signed from Odds BK (Norway), 2024. |
Aidan O'Connor |
22 |
2024+ |
Drafted in the 1st round, 2024. |
Mohammed Sofo |
19 |
2026+ |
Loaned from reserves and returned, 2024. Signed from reserves, 2024. |
Felipe Carballo |
27 |
2025 |
Loaned from Gremio (Brazil), 2024. |
Curtis Ofori |
18 |
2025+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from reserves, 2022. |
A.J. Marcucci |
25 |
2025+ |
Drafted in the 3rd round and signed to reserves, 2021. Signed from reserves, 2021. Loaned to IF Gnistan (Finland), 2024. |
Davi Alexandre |
17 |
2026+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from reserves, 2024. |
Aidan Stokes |
16 |
2027+ |
Signed as a homegrown player from reserves, 2024. |